Monday, 20 September 2010

News: BICS, Bulldog Clips and Furrlough

Long time no update. What news do I have?

Hopefully, I'll be at the British International Comics Show again, where Bahala Na! 09 will be on sale.

BN!10 is still in the pipeline, but coming perhaps a little sooner is Bulldog Clips, a new collection of Captain Bulldog strips by Jason Cobley and several artists, including myself:

If you really can't wait for a funny animal fix, out NOW is Furrlough #190 from Radio Comix in a bigger, perfect bound collection of strips by myself and others.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good! Been out of the small press business for a while (or more like six-seven years) so it's good to see that you're still cranking out work and only getting better.

    Cheese Comics is making a small comeback, focusing on webcomics. You can check our blog at .


