Sunday, 22 November 2009

Thought Bubble 2009

The Thought Bubble Festival took place at the Saviles Hall, Royal Armouries in Leeds, on 21st November 2009.

This was our second year visiting Thought Bubble and the first year Zip Gun Comics had a table. The new Bahala Na! had come back from the printers earlier in the week, so we were all set.

BN!09 sold well, I was able to finish off my convention sketchbook, speak to a few people in person, pick up a bunch of new comics and take some photos:

From Thought Bubble 2009

Lots of cosplayers, although the Stormtroopers were conspicuous by their absence.

The City Inn hotel was certainly the nicest one we've stayed in this year, even though the view was of Leeds train station.

That's convention season over for this year, but the next one will be starting all too soon. See you then.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Bahala Na! 09 - available now

Bahala Na! 09 is now available and will be making its debut at the Thought Bubble festival.

Featuring 24 pages of short comics (well, 22) with a full colour centre spread.

Recently Read: Grandville

Recently Read: Grandville, by Bryan Talbot.

Anthropomorphic steam-punk thriller as a mysterious murder sends Detective-Inspector LeBrock of Scotland Yard to the capital of the French Empire: Grandville.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Recently Read: The Best of Bulldog

Recently Read: The Best of Bulldog, by Jason Cobley and various artists.

Collecting some of the stories from long running small press comic Bulldog Adventure Magazine. In a world populated by humans, sentient animals and plants, Captain Winston Bulldog of the Aerial Defence Force defends Blighty against all threats, from without and from within.

Recently Read: Dungeon

Recently Read: Dungeon by Joann Sfar, Lewis Trondheim and others.

The Dungeon is a formidable black fortress - a maze of rooms and passageways, filled with treasure, populated by hordes of monsters - and the people who work behind the scenes to make sure it all runs smoothly.

A celebration and send up of D&D Fantasy tropes, with engaging characters and sly humour.

Deadline 2009 - Progress update 4

There are/were:

2 weekends until Thought Bubble.

Bahala Na! 09 has:
22 completed pages including 3 full colour pages. At least 1 of those will be printed in colour.

Bahala Na! 09 needs:

  • Front Cover

  • Back Cover - this will be one of the colour pages

  • Introduction/contents

The front cover is in production, the page order needs to be finalised and the pages sorted. Hopefully everything will be ready to go to print by the end of this week.